Iowa State University renews parks lease agreements
The council preview will be going through a transition this month, but I can assure you it will continue for a very, very long time. Stay tuned for some exciting changes!
The Ames City Council begins at 6:00 PM. The agenda includes:
26. Resolution approving/motion denying Land Use Policy Plan (LUPP) Minor Map Amendment for Residential High-Density for 3535 S. 530th Avenue. The developers of this property are seeking to rezone a portion of it as high density. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended to deny the LUPP amendment. Neighbors to the east have expressed concerns about rezoning to high density.
28. Resolution awarding consulting services contract to Houseal Lavigne Associates of Chicago, Illinois, for Lincoln Way Corridor Plan in the amount of $86,140. This study is the first step in what could be a very transformative project for Ames. The suggested proposal wasn’t the cheapest option, but the suggested company, Houseal Lavigne and Associates, specialize in urban design and had knowledge of the Lincoln Way Corridor. Improving the Lincoln Way Corridor has potential for significant cultural and transportation impacts, and will be tool to realize the City’s commitment to complete streets.
29. Resolution approving Lease Agreements with Iowa State University for Brookside Park, Franklin Park, McDonald Woods, Stuart Smith Park and Zumwalt Rail Road Park. Iowa State and the City have entered into an agreement for a 50 year lease for 5 area parks (Brookside, Franklin, McDonald Woods, Stuart Smith Park, and Zumwalt Rail Road Park. This contract renewal was due a year ago, but there are some upsides to taking some extra time to renew, including the fact that ISU has agreed to lease them for free, since the City maintains them.
30. Hearing on Amendment to Campustown Urban Revitalization Plan (Continued from 12/08/2015). This item is being carried forward from discussion in December, in order to allow CAA to give input. They have responded in favor of the formula business exclusion criteria. Staff also recommended proceeding. The biggest concern has been the requirement for occupancy prior to receiving abatement. Staff believe 17 months should be enough time for property managers to find tenants. Many Campustown businesses, have been closed and/or displaced due to the Urban Revitalization Plan. Adding some support for local business in the criteria, would show respect for these entrepreneurs and their efforts to give Campustown a unique character and flavor. Hopefully, the council will see this as an opportunity to continue Ames' tradition of supporting diverse business ownership in Campustown.
31. Hearing on rezoning of property at 1110 Delaware Avenue from Residential Low-Density (RL) to Residential High-Density (RH). A property at 1110 Delaware Ave. is seeking to rezone from low density to high density. The LUPP indicates this property as high-density, so this zoning change request is consistent with the long-range plan for the area.
32. Hearing on rezoning of property with Master Plan at 5440 and 5442 Grant Avenue from Agricultural (A) to Suburban Residential Low-Density (FS-RL). This parcel of land is bordered by two other subdivision developments and fits the future Land Use map within the LUPP. It will be a Conservation Subdivision, due to its proximity to Ada Hayden.
38. First passage of ordinance pertaining to e-cigarettes. This would ban the use of e-cigs in places where cigarette use is prohibited, such as bars, restaurants, etc. Shops that sell e-cigs would be allowed to be exempt, as tobacco shops are. In Dec. 2015, Council had directed staff to draft an ordinance to this end, this is that ordinance back for approval.
Thanks for reading,
Matthew Goodman
City Council At-Large
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