Rose Prairie Development Agreement, Park Naming Policy
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen's Council Preview |
The Ames City Council begins at 6:00 PM. The agenda includes:
40. Park Naming Policy
The Parks and Rec Commission heard a request in summer of 2015 to name the Skate Park after Georgie Tsushima, a young skateboard advocate who passed away in the summer of 2015, but Parks and Rec delayed ruling on that request in order to draft a naming policy. (Which they were previously lacking.) The proposed policy includes guidelines for naming parks and facilities after individuals who have made monetary or non-monetary contributions to the community. The policy also includes a 3-year waiting period after someone passes away before a naming request could be approved. -
42., 43., 44. Zoning text amendments, zoning map amendments, and municipal code Chap 9 relating to development in the Floodway
In November of 2015, and then again on March 22nd of 2016, Council directed staff to draft text amendments to the Environmentally Sensitive Area Overlay (O-E zoning) which would add Council approval of a Major Site Plan to the requirements for developing in such areas. This would allow another layer of oversight to developments in floodways in Ames, notably environmentally sensitive areas. Agenda items 42, 43, and 44 all related to these changes. -
46. Hearing on Skate Park Renovation Project.
The Skate Park is in need of repairs and improvements, and has been on the CIP schedule since ‘13/’14, with $105K currently budgeted for these upgrades. One bid was received on the project (out of 9 solicited), well over the budgeted amount, at $149K. Staff recommend waiting until they determine if re-bidding the project might work. -
47. Hearing on 2015/16 Airport Improvements Taxiway Rehabilitation (Runway 01/19).
Bids for the rehab of the taxiway came in over the engineers estimate ($243K instead of $185K). Staff is recommending accepting only the base bid ($195K), and rejecting the bid alternates, which included special materials. -
48. Hearing on rezoning, with Master Plan, of property at 896 South 500th Avenue from Agricultural (A) to Suburban Residential Low Density (FS-RL) and Suburban Residential Medium Density (FS-RM).
This agenda item involves rezoning property to the southwest of Ames, which was recently annexed. The property is currently zoned Agricultural, but is seeking low and medium density residential zoning. Staff is recommending holding the public hearing, but holding off on rezoning until the capacity of sanitary sewer in the area can be evaluated. -
49. Staff Update on South Duff Avenue Land Use Policy Plan (LUPP) request [3115, 3413, and 3409 South Duff Avenue] .
This agenda item requires no Council action, it is a staff update on the LUPP Amendment request to rezone most of the property at 3115, 3413, and 3409 S Duff as Residential High Density (RH). Next steps would include public hearings for the Planning and Zoning commission on May 4th, and a potential public hearing for City Council on May 24th. -
50. Resolution approving Rose Prairie Development Agreement.
Due to a lawsuit many years ago, the property in question is governed by a development agreement, and the area is designated as a conservation subdivision. The current owners are presenting 7 suggestions to alter this development agreement.
1. Rezone from RL (residential low-density) to RL, RM, or PRD (planned residential development). This would mean an increase from 292 units to a range from 397 to 739 units!
2. Extend the time requirement for installing water and sanitary sewer due to delays in construction commencement.
3. The development agreement includes a provision requiring the developer to pay for sanitary sewer to the boundaries of their property sufficient to accommodate future growth beyond their boundaries. Rose Prairie is proposing an 8” sanitary sewer line to the border of their property. City staff reports being unable to verify whether this is sufficient to accommodate future growth.
4. Originally, the developer was responsible for a shared-use path along the railroad. Due to other changes to the shared-use path system, the required path will now run along Grant Ave.
5. The original agreement mandated sprinkler systems be installed in residential units because emergency services didn’t extend to that area. The area is now served by emergency services, and other developments in the area have been released from this requirement, so staff support waiving the sprinkler system requirement.
6. Rose Prairie is proposing that the City purchase and maintain the park which is required in the development agreement.
7. Rose Prairie proposes that if they sell any outlots to another developer, any costs or other requirements of the development agreement transfer to the new owner (instead of becoming due when the first subdivision occurs). -
51. Staff Report and Update on Landscape Ordinance Provisions.
City Council directed staff to review landscaping requirements for apartments and parking lots, with a goal of increasing sustainability and biodiversity. Council is being asked for feedback on formatting of the ordinance, sustainability, and site inspection and maintenance. -
52. Resolution approving Grant Agreement with Iowa Department of Natural Resources for improvements to low-head dam in North River Valley Park in the amount of $85,00.
Council directed staff to design and submit a proposal to the DNR to replace the roller head dam in North River Valley Park with a system of rock arch rapids. The proposal has been accepted by the DNR, and the project can move forward -
60. Motion to hold closed session as provided by Section 21.5c, Code of Iowa, to discuss strategy with counsel for matters in litigation.
Thanks for reading,
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen
City Council At-Large
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