Naming of Parks and Recreation facilities
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen's Council Preview |
The Ames City Council begins at 6:00 PM. The agenda includes:
- 39. Resolution approving Final Major Plat for Haydens Crossing (5400, 5440, and 5442 GrantAvenue)
The developer is proposing one minor amendment to the prelim plat, to include a 5-foot conservation easement to the border of their green space. This will require the same landscaping treatment, but allows 5 more feet of developable space due setback requirements. Staff believes the preliminary plat conforms to the conservation subdivision requirements put in place to protect the Ada Hayden watershed. - 40. Resolution approving policy for naming of Parks and Recreation facilities.
This is back on the agenda after Council provided feedback on the draft policy in April. Changes included striking the waiting period (after death) for naming requests, and removing language about specific percentages of funding required for naming rights. - 42. Hearing on rezoning, with Master Plan, of 3535 South 530th Avenue from Agricultural (A) toSuburban Residential Medium Density (FS-RM) and Residential High Density (RH).
This property is to the southwest of the research park, along 530th Ave. (which will become University Blvd) The developer is proposing a mix of medium and high density residential, with a maximum of 275 units over approximately 20 acres. Planning and Zoning voted 6-0 to recommend this request. - 44. Hearing on Proposed 2016/17 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan.
Between CDBG allocations for the current fiscal year and roll-over from prior years, the city has $988K to work with. This will allow some major spending on the old middle school property, but will still leave funds for ongoing programs, such as renter assistance and the acquisition/reuse program. - 47. Report on 2015 Development Process User Survey.
This survey was sent to 487 users who interacted w/ Inspections and Planning and Housing Departments. Of the 487 surveys sent, 96 were returned. Most responses rated city staff favorably, and favorability in most instances was greater than the survey 5 years prior. - 48. First passage of ordinance adjusting Storm Water Rates
The staff report states "The development of land in the City has resulted in an expanded amount of impervious surface which has increased the cost of both operations and capital for the Storm Water utility. The increased expenditures will help to reduce overland flooding and maintain compliance with storm water runoff regulations." In February, Council directed staff to prepare a storm water rate increase to compensate for these increased costs of development.
Thanks for reading,
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen
City Council At-Large
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