The Georgie Tsushima Memorial Skate Park
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen's Council Preview |
The Ames City Council begins at 6:00 PM. The agenda includes:
- 27. Request to rename the Ames Skate Park in memory of Georgie Tsushima.
The original request to name this park was delayed while the Parks and Rec Commission drafted and adopted a park naming policy. Now that the policy has been adopted, and this request fits the criteria, the Parks and Rec Commission and staff recommend proceeding with the naming the skate park the “Georgie Tsushima Memorial Skate Park”.
Items 29-31 all address the potential development of a mixed use commercial/residential/hotel property at the 2700 block of Lincoln Way. - 29. Resolution approving/motion denying Land Use Policy Plan (LUPP) Future Land Use Map Amendment for 2700 Block of Lincoln Way.
Item 29 deals with the Land Use Policy Plan Future Land Use Map (LUPPFLUM). Currently, the site is designated as low density residential, the developer is requesting a change to a Downtown Service Center classification, which would allow mixed use with a higher residential density. The project being proposed would have between 400-500 apartment beds, 25-100 hotel rooms, and some commercial/retail on the ground floor. While some details have yet to be worked out, staff believe that what they know about the site would rate highly with the City's RH measuring tool, which looks at infrastructure capacity, transportation options, and other LUPP goals to determine if a site is appropriate for high-density residential zoning. The biggest consideration is how to integrate this project into the abutting residential neighborhoods. While no public input was received during the Planning and Zoning Commission's meeting, some residents have expressed concerns to Council regarding this integration, such as parking and density transitions. Planning and Zoning voted 4-1 to approve this LUPPFLUM change, and staff recommend it as well. - 30. Staff Report on initiating creation of Urban Revitalization Area and Development Agreement for 2700 Block of Lincoln Way (River Caddis).
Tax abatements are not just a tool to enable development that might happen otherwise, but rather a way for the City to get things above and beyond the standard. Staff and the developer have come up with a preliminary list of 6 criteria, ranging from requiring a certain percentage of commercial space to building design. Council is being asked for input on these and other criteria. Compared to the rest of the Campustown URA, this project is different in that it doesn't have the same parking structure, has less brick facade, has a few bedrooms without exterior windows, and is proposing a roof deck area. Staff will take Council input and return with a proposal before final approval. - 31. Mixed-Use Development Standards in Campustown Service Center (CSC) Zoning District.
In order to proceed with the project on the 2700 block of Lincoln Way, something in the current CSC will have to change. Any change Council makes to the CSC district for this project will apply to any future development within the whole CSC. Staff detail two changes that would allow this development to occur. First, allow residential use on the ground floor if it is located across the street from another residentially zoned area. Second, allow "short term lodging" on the ground floor with standard residential above. P&Z voted 5-0 to recommend these changes, and also to reduce the window requirement on residential facades to 30% (as opposed to the 50% required of commercial facades).
- 32. Hearing on Zoning Text Amendment to allow clubhouses in the FS-RM Zoning District.
Currently, "clubhouses" are only allowed in RH, PRD or Village zoning districts. This proposed change would also allow clubhouses under certain conditions in FS-RM zoning districts. Planning and Zoning voted 5-0 to approve the change, and staff support it as well. - 33. Hearing on Major Site Development Plan for 5310 Mortensen Road.
This site development plan is for an apartment complex that would sit on approximately 8.8 acres of land to the southwest of Mortensen Rd. (The entire Crane subdivision, of which it is a part, totals 28 acres.) The proposed development would have 15 buildings, with 180 units. Planning and Zoning recommended approval with several conditions regarding parking, landscaping, and the aforementioned zoning text amendment allowing clubhouses in medium density residential zones. - 40. First passage of ordinance changing name of Grant Avenue to Hyde Avenue.
In December of 2015, Council directed staff to begin the process of changing the name of Grant Avenue to Hyde Avenue. This is the resulting ordinance. (The County will also need to change its name in places where it falls under their bailiwick.)
Thanks for reading,
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen
City Council At-Large
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