Geothermal Wells at Ada Hayden, the Airport Terminal, and Downtown Facade Grants
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen's Council Preview |
The Ames City Council begins at 6:00 PM. The agenda includes:
- 38. Follow-Up Report on complaint about property located at 4004 Phoenix Street.
At a recent meeting, council decided to wait to act on this dilapidated property to allow time for the short sale to conclude. The closing date still hadn’t been set as of Sept 1st. The buyer has indicated their intent to demolish the house and rebuild on the property ASAP. Council has several options on the table, including waiting a period of time for the sale (45 days suggested) before pursuing the dangerous building designation or pursuing that designation now (without waiting) or after the sale. Since the buyer has indicated willingness to demolish and rebuild, staff recommend waiting 45 days, and if the sale still has not gone through, pursuing the dangerous building designation with the current owner. - 39. Resolution approving applications for CDBG Public Facilities Improvements Program for Non-Profit Organizations.
Part of the most recent CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) annual plan included setting aside $100K for a ‘public facilities improvements program’. Staff received two applications, together totaling $133,997, one from YSS (Youth and Shelter Services) for ADA improvements to their parking lot and one from ERP (Emergency Residence Project) to rehab their 804 Kellogg facility. Staff believes both proposed projects have merit, and so staff recommend transferring $34K from a different CDBG action plan project. (The old middle school property, which likely won’t see action this fiscal year.) - 40. Resolution approving revision to Preliminary Plat for The Irons Subdivision (Southeast corner of George Washington Carver and 190th Street).
In June of 2016, Council approved the Preliminary Plat for “The Irons”, a development at the Ames Golf and Country Club, with several conditions. After consulting with the County, it appears the condition that the developer installs a shared use path along 190th isn’t feasible. Council is presented with four options from staff. First, if Council chooses to waive the shared use path condition, it may be possible to collect some financial commitment (around $140K) from the developer for future installation of one-way bike lanes on what is now the gravel shoulder of 190th. Second, Council can remove the shared use path requirement but still require a 5’ sidewalk. Third, we can waive the shared-use path and sidewalk requirement. Finally, Council could choose to not allow the three lots on 190th to be developed at this time. - 41. Resolution approving Downtown Facade Grants.
The City received two bids for this Fall’s Downtown Façade Grant Program, one for 300 Main St. (Building w/ Ali Cakes), and the other for 238-240 Main St. (Quilting Connection). The application for 300 Main St. includes removing some of the modern additions to bring the building back to a more historic look, and staff recommend approval of this request. Staff does not feel that this application for 238-240 Main St. has yet met the criteria, but seem confident that they can assist the property owner in time for the next round of grant applications. - 42. Staff Report on Trinitas Request to Initiate an Urban Fringe Land Use Framework Map Amendment (Click here for more information).
Council recently heard a request from a developer who is interested in building ‘cottage’ style rental units south of Lincoln Way just outside the western border of Ames. To do so would require a number of involved steps, both from Ames and other parties (Story Co and Gilbert). Steps required to undertake this project include amending the urban fringe land use map, initiating annexation, undertaking traffic and sewer studies, and beginning the process of a zoning text amendment to include a new type of housing (a “dwelling house”) in PRD zones. Before proceeding, Council should weigh the current burden on Planning staff, transportation and sewer needs to the west, and the effect of a new allowed use within PRD zoning. - 44. Staff Report on request for underground geothermal wells within conservation easement in Quarry Estates, 1st Addition.
Council recently received a letter requesting permission to install geothermal wells under a conservation easement in the Quarry Estates subdivision. The conservation easement forbids construction of any structures. Staff originally denied the request, now Council has the option to uphold staff’s interpretation of Municipal Code, Chapter 23, regarding the definition of a structure (or not). - 45. Resolution approving Agreement with ZLR Ignition regarding Millennium Marketing Campaign.
This year, $145K is earmarked for a marketing campaign to attract young adults transitioning to families to settle in Ames. (Council had initially sought to develop a Brand Communication Plan, and had budgeted $200K toward that end.) The marketing campaign currently being proposed targets young adults who currently live along the Interstate 35 corridor between Ames and Des Moines. - 46. Hearing on 2015/16 Airport Improvements Program (Airport Terminal Building).
Bids are in for the construction of the airport terminal, and the low bid is $117, 580 over the estimate/budget. On a related note, at the last meeting, Council selected our top choice of Fixed Base Operator (FBO) to run the airport, but with the withdrawal of the top choice, staff are now negotiating an agreement with the second choice, North Iowa Air Service. Three potential Council actions are detailed in the staff report. (All three options include accepting the report of bids and approving the plans and specs.) First, Council can delay awarding a contract until the FBO contract is in place. Second, Council can award the contract to the low bidder (Jensen Builders, LTD). Finally, Council can delay awarding a bid to allow staff and engineers time to evaluate lowering project costs.
Thanks for reading,
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen
City Council At-Large
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