Rezoning, site plans and master plans
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen's Council Preview |
The AAMPO begins at 6:00 PM, followed by the Ames City Council . The agenda includes:
- 1. AAMPO Committee: Amendments to 2015 Passenger Transportation Plan and FY 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program.
Due to some changes in funding (the elimination of JARC funding), CyRide will need to find other funding sources for a number of services. JARC funds are available this year, but moving forward, CyRide will fund these via its operating budget. Routes affected include the Brown Route, Pink (E 13th/Dayton expansion), and the Midday Duff route. - 34. Hearing on rezoning of 2728 Lincoln Way, 112 and 114 South Hyland Avenue, and 115 South Sheldon Avenue from Residential High Density (RH) and University West Impact Overlay (OUIW) to Campustown Service Center (CSC). Documents included zoning ordinance, Urban Revitalization Area (tax abatement) and selling of right-of-way.
These properties make up the rest of the 2700 Lincoln Way block where a six-story 20-room hotel/500 bed student apartment building has been proposed that Council has been discussing for some time. The Planning and Zoning commission voted 4-3 to recommend against approval of this rezoning, preferring instead to wait for the completion of the Lincoln Way Corridor Study. Despite P&Z's recommendation, staff recommend approval due to the high score of this project on the RH evaluation tool and the desire to extend commercial use along Lincoln Way to Hyland.
In addition to seeking a rezoning, River Caddis, Inc is asking for an Urban Revitalization designation which will make them eligible for tax abatement. When Council first reviewed the URA criteria, we gave direction on several items, including building appearance, amenity deck noise concerns, providing a wider sidewalk on Lincoln Way, etc. The developer has modified their plan somewhat to address concerns related to the amenity deck and appearance of the façade. Council now needs to decide if the modifications have met city goals for a substantial tax abatement/incentive. - 35. Hearing on rezoning, with Master Plan, of 3115, 3119, 3301, 3325, 3409, and 3413 South Duff Avenue from Highway-Oriented Commercial (HOC) and Agricultural (A) to Residential High Density (RH) and Highway-Oriented Commercial (HOC). Documents included Contract Rezoning Agreement and zoning ordinance.
Council recently amended the Land Use Policy Plan to allow for high-density residential zoning on these properties. Now the developer is back asking for the actual rezoning of the properties. Staff recommend approval, but only with a contract in place that will ensure the developer cooperates and shares costs for storm water, transportation, and other required improvements. - 36. Hearing on Major Site Development Plan Amendment for 3505 and 3515 Lincoln Way (Walnut Ridge).
Due to the placement of some retaining walls, the developer is asking that Council approve changes to their landscaping plan. The changes mostly affect screening between parking lots and property lines, and staff report that these changes don't significantly impact the aesthetic of the project. Planning and Zoning also voted 6-0 to recommend approval. - 38. Hearing on 2007/08 Shared-Use Path Expansion (Oakwood Road).
This collaborative City/ISU project involves installing a shared-use path on the south side of Oakwood Rd, from State St. east to Green Hills Dr. (No mention in the staff report of why a '07/'08 project is just taking place 8 years later.) - 39. Hearing on Amendment to 2014-18 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Plan.
This amendment to the CDBG Plan is required to pursue a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) in the area encompassing the Old Middle School property, as Council directed staff to do in March of this year. (The NRSA designation is required in order to make the area mixed income households, and not just low/moderate income housing.)
Special Note: The City of Ames budget process kicks off in the fall with the annual Town Budget Meeting. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4, in the City Council Chambers, second floor, City Hall, 515 Clark Ave. There will be time for citizens to give input and ask questions regarding the coming year’s budget. The meeting is broadcast live on City Channel 12, and views may call in questions to 515.239.5214.
Thanks for reading,
Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen
City Council At-Large
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