Downtown Reinvestment District Urban Renewal Area and Plan
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The Ames City Council meets on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m at City Hall. The agenda includes:
- 10. Resolution approving appointment of the Climate Action Plan Supplemental Input Committee Members. The Mayor and City Council will act as the overall steering committee for the climate action planning process, relying on the work of our Sustainable Solutions Group consultants, City staff, and this Supplemental Input committee. The Supplemental Input Committee will offer feedback during the Climate Action Plan development, serve as a conduit between the community sectors they represent and Sustainable Solutions Group, and is responsible for suggesting and implementing outreach strategies. In essence, the Supplemental Input Committee will help ensure that a wide variety of voices and perspectives in Ames are considered in addition to the specialized expertise of consultants and staff. Following a public application process, the Mayor has nominated members to the Supplemental Input Committee and is requesting Council approval.
- 14. Resolution accepting completion of Ioway Creek Restoration & Flood Mitigation - River Flooding (Tree Clearing). Tree clearing in this part of Ioway Creek near S. Duff avenue was a prerequisite to the substantial engineering work of the flood mitigation project. The staff report states that "The felled trees currently stockpiled along Ioway Creek in this project area are being incorporated into the final design of the overall Flood Mitigation – River Flooding project. The larger project is scheduled to have a Fall 2021 bid letting. The contractor will have options to haul out the trees or incorporate them (mulch/grind) into the erosion control/final stabilization of the project." See also item 26 below, which states "Re-planting details have been incorporated including a row of native trees and plants that are recommended to benefit threatened and endangered pollinators, some of which have been recently identified and photographed in Ames."
- 16. Hearing on Downtown Reinvestment District Urban Renewal Area and Plan.
- a. Resolution adopting Plan and establishing an Urban Renewal Area. To qualify for up to $10 million in Reinvestment District funds, the City must designate an appropriate Urban Renewal Area (URA) and Plan (URP). This agenda item finalizes the process previously set in motion, following consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The proposed URA map is shown below.
- b. Resolution setting date of public hearing for September 14, 2021, to authorize the issuance of General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds in an amount not to exceed $21,200,000 for the Indoor Aquatics Center. If the Reinvestment District income comes in as projected, then that will pay back $10,000,000 of the Indoor Aquatic Center development cost. But we have to finance the construction of the center up front, so we'll need to borrow money ("issue bonds") for that no matter what. Typically, the Council will vote whether to authorize bonds immediately after the designated public hearing, but a petition submitted the day before the hearing could require an additional public election.
- c. Staff Report on Indoor Aquatic Center Property Update. This report covers the potential timeline for acquiring and developing the Indoor Aquatic Center site. The image below superimposes the planned Aquatic Center layout over the existing structures on the site and illustrates how it may be possible to construct the aquatic center while the DOT continues to use some of its buildings before moving out completely.
- d. Staff Report on Funding for Reinvestment District Tasks. A number of costs related to the Reinvestment District application have already been incurred. This report describes them and related future costs and indicates that they will be paid for out of existing funds designated for economic development.
- a. Resolution adopting Plan and establishing an Urban Renewal Area. To qualify for up to $10 million in Reinvestment District funds, the City must designate an appropriate Urban Renewal Area (URA) and Plan (URP). This agenda item finalizes the process previously set in motion, following consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The proposed URA map is shown below.
- 17. Hearing on proposal to adopt, by reference, the 2021 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code and the 2021 Edition of the International Mechanical Code with State and local amendments. State law requires us to adopt these code updates, although more restrictive local amendments can be made. To date, no such amendments have been proposed.
- 19. Adaptive Kayak Launch. This project will allow wheelchair users much better access to the Ada Hayden lakes. Having considered many possible alternatives, and having found only one source for a product with the required features, the City recommends waiving our ordinary purchasing policies to purchase it outright rather than calling for bids. Private funds raised by the local Access Ada Hayden (AAH) group will cover more than a third of the overall cost of the project.
- 20. Ames Plan 2040. Council is being asked to release the draft comprehensive plan, Ames Plan 2040, for a public comment period. One of its crucial components is the Future Land Use map, shown below. (A higher resolution map will be made available during the public comment period.)
- 21. Staff Report regarding Zoning Text Amendment to allow for an increase in Limited Commercial Use in F-PRD Planned Residence District. This item discusses some approaches Council could use to allow additional commercial uses in PRD or similar developments, if Council desires.
- 22. Staff Report regarding request to Amend Ames Urban Fringe Plan regarding the Natural Area Designation related to area located at 4909 W 190th Street. Council agreed to discuss the situation of a property owner outside the City limits but within the Ames Urban Fringe who would like to build two additional houses on land having a Natural Area designation.
- 24. Motion approving/denying renewal of Class C Liquor License with Sunday Sales - La Fiesta Bar & Grill, 823 Wheeler Street, Suite 5 and 25. Motion approving/denying renewal of Class C Liquor License with Sunday Sales - El Maguey Mexican Restaurant, 217 S Duff Avenue. Each of these businesses were cited twice for alcohol sale to a minor. The Police Department recommending a 6-month liquor license be approved for them with additional enforcement and education, rather than renewing their licenses for 12 months.
- 26. Flood Mitigation - River Flooding (Land Acquisition). In this item, Council is being asked to approve purchase agreements for six of the parcels needed for the Ioway Creek Flood Mitigation Project. Five remaining parcels are still being negotiated.
- 27. Staff Report regarding Community Engagement - Phase 2. Continuing previous research efforts, a 2021 Fall semester Community and Regional Planning independent study class is planning a festival entitled "Play Ames: Imagine your City" at four different locations on September 25. The students are asking for City Council and Staff presence at the events and permission to use the City logo on promotional material.
Communications to Council: The following items are requests and communications to Council that aren't published on the agenda, so we won't deliberate them substantially. This includes staff reports and communications or requests from constituents and developers. Typically, Council will ask city staff for more information, put the item on a future agenda for deliberation and possible action, or just accept the communication, taking no further action.
Heartland Senior Services. Planning to build a new facility at their current site, Heartland Senior Services asks Council to refer land and lease agreement items for future deliberation.
Hospital Trustee Terms. The City Attorney notes a discrepancy in the stated term length for Hospital Trustees and recommends that the Municipal Code be made consistent.
Open Letter. A resident expresses concern about alleged past and possible future Council actions.
Thanks for reading,
David Martin
Ames City Council, Ward 3