Matthew Goodman's Council News September 9th, 2014
Council to Discuss Youth Master Plan |
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The Ames City Council begins at 7:00. The agenda includes:
Item 9 -- Resolution approving closure of Douglas Avenue on September 14 from Noon to 2 p.m. for Library Grand Re-Opening- This has been a long time coming, get down to the Library if you can!
Item 10 -- Requests from Campustown Action Association for Dinkey Day on September 26, 2014. Dinkey Day is another installment in the community's Ames 150 Sesquicentennial celebration. Stop by Campustown, park at the multi-modal facility and enjoy the live music, free soda fountain and more! Click here to learn more.
Item 11 -- Ames High Homecoming Committee Requests for Homecoming Parade on Monday, September15, 2014. Free candy!
Item 16 -- Hearing for rezoning of Quarry Estates Subdivision from Agricultural (A) to Floating Suburban Residential Low-Density (FS-RL) and Floating Suburban Residential Medium-Density (FS-RM). After years of discussing the higher costs associated with Northern Growth in the City of Ames and the high costs associated with leap frog developments, here is an example of both.
Item 17 -- Hearing on amendments to Flood Plain Zoning Regulations contained in Municipal Code Chapter 9 (Interesting map and documentation) (pdfs). In order to determine flood insurance rates, flood updates must be completed on occasion.
Item 21 -- Hearing on 2014/15 Right-of-Way Restoration Program (Contract #1). The City of Ames, in order to provide a higher level of service for property owners abutting road projects, let bids for all of the grass/vegetation restorations as a group this year, as in past years we have received complaints on the quality of vegetation restoration of road construction contractors.
Item 22 -- Resolution approving Preliminary Plat for Roden Subdivision.
Item 24 -- 2013 Carbon Footprint Report. Shows City of Ames efforts and impacts on diminishing carbon dioxide impacts.
Item 26 -- Staff report on processes to notify neighbors affected by special events. Staff has received some complaints on adjacent business owners not being contacted prior to events, which close frontage streets. A process to guarantee all business owners are aware is being considered.
Item 27 -- Staff report on Youth Master Plan (City Examples of Youth Master Plans). The Ames City Council has the consideration of a Youth Master Plan on the agenda. The idea behind such plans is to use data based solutions to achieve youth success priorities. Such plans allow for more community wide cooperation on addressing youth needs. Such an effort could broaden our community youth services and reinforce the value of existing ones.
Thanks for reading,
Matthew Goodman
City Council At-Large
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